How To Replace Some Characters With Asterisks

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北海茫月 2020-12-10 09:23

I have a simple task to do with PHP, but since I\'m not familiar with Regular Expression or something... I have no clue what I\'m going to do.

what I want is very si

  • 2020-12-10 09:28

    You'll need a specific function for each. For mails:

    function hide_mail($email) {
        $mail_segments = explode("@", $email);
        $mail_segments[0] = str_repeat("*", strlen($mail_segments[0]));
        return implode("@", $mail_segments);
    echo hide_mail("");

    For phone numbers

    function hide_phone($phone) {
        return substr($phone, 0, -4) . "****";
    echo hide_phone("1234567890");

    And see? Not a single regular expression used. These functions don't check for validity though. You'll need to determine what kind of string is what, and call the appropriate function.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-10 09:34

    I tried for a single-regex solution but don't think it's possible due to the variable-length asterisks. Perhaps something like this:

    function anonymiseString($str)
         $str = preg_replace('/^(\d*?)\d{4}$/', '$1****');
      elseif(($until = strpos($str, '@')) !== false)
         $str = str_repeat('*', $until) . substr($str, $until + 1);
      return $str;
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-10 09:43

    I create one function to do this, works fine for me. i hope help.

    function ofuscaEmail($email, $domain_ = false){
        $seg = explode('@', $email);
        $user = '';
        $domain = '';
        if (strlen($seg[0]) > 3) {
            $sub_seg = str_split($seg[0]);
            $user .= $sub_seg[0].$sub_seg[1];
            for ($i=2; $i < count($sub_seg)-1; $i++) { 
                if ($sub_seg[$i] == '.') {
                    $user .= '.';
                }else if($sub_seg[$i] == '_'){
                    $user .= '_';
                    $user .= '*';
            $user .= $sub_seg[count($sub_seg)-1];
            $sub_seg = str_split($seg[0]);
            $user .= $sub_seg[0];
            for ($i=1; $i < count($sub_seg); $i++) { 
                $user .= ($sub_seg[$i] == '.') ? '.' : '*';
        $sub_seg2 = str_split($seg[1]);
        $domain .= $sub_seg2[0];
        for ($i=1; $i < count($sub_seg2)-2; $i++) { 
            $domain .= ($sub_seg2[$i] == '.') ? '.' : '*';
        $domain .= $sub_seg2[count($sub_seg2)-2].$sub_seg2[count($sub_seg2)-1];
        return ($domain_ == false) ? $user.'@'.$seg[1] : $user.'@'.$domain ;
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-12-10 09:52

    For e-mails, this function preserves first letter:

    function hideEmail($email)
        $parts = explode('@', $email);
        return substr($parts[0], 0, min(1, strlen($parts[0])-1)) . str_repeat('*', max(1, strlen($parts[0]) - 1)) . '@' . $parts[1];
    hideEmail(''); //  h****
    hideEmail('');    //  h*
    hideEmail('');     //  *
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