My question is how to get 1 event or rendered callback when a group of elements are updated in the DOM? If I follow the link in the Blaze wiki
The best solution would be to write a custom block helper. Lemme do it for you :)
UI.registerHelper('footableBody', function () {
var dependency = new Deps.Dependency(),
dataSource = this,
handle, footable;
return UI.Component.extend({
render: function () {
var self = this;
return UI.Each(function () {
return dataSource;
}, UI.block(function () {
return self.__content;
rendered: function () {
var $node = $(self.firstNode).closest('table');
handle = Deps.autorun(function () {
if (!footable) {
footable = $'footable');
} else {
destroyed: function () {
handle && handle.stop();
Now, in your templates you can do something like:
<table class="table">
{{#footableBody dataRows}}
Of course you should customize the behavior of the helper to your own needs.
There is also another - more generic - solution that follows the pattern of how markdown
helper is implemented here. However, I would not encourage to apply this strategy to your specific usecase.