I have a combo box named \"Make\". In that combo box I\'m loading vehicle manufacturer names. When I click SEARCH button I want to display the selected manufacturer name. Be
you can make a jQuery onChange event to get the text from the combobox when the user select one of them:
$( "select" )
.change(function () {
var str = "";
$( "select option:selected" ).each(function() {
str += $( this ).text() + " ";
When you select an option, it will save the text in an Input hidde
<input type="hidden" id="EvaluationName" name="EvaluationName" value="<?= $Evaluation ?>" />
After that, when you submit the form, just catch up the value of the input
$Evaluation = $_REQUEST['EvaluationName'];
Then you can do wathever you want with the text, for instance save it in a session variable and send it to other page. etc.