How can read selected items from QTableWidget?
int QTableWidget::currentRow() const
Returns the row of the current item.
int QTableWidget::currentColumn() const
Returns the column of the current item.
the best way to access the items in a qtablewidget is using the function
QList QTableWidget::selectedRanges () const
Some options (there are also others out there too):
# selectedRanges(), would give you the second cell from each selected row, for example:
indexes = []
for selectionRange in myTable.selectedRanges():
indexes.extend(range(selectionRange.topRow(), selectionRange.bottomRow()+1))
print "indexes", indexes # indexes is a list like [0, 2] of selected rows
for i in indexes:
print "specific item", myTable.item(i, 1).text()
results.append( str(myTable.item(i, 1).text()) )
# selectedItems()
for item in myTable.selectedItems():
print "selectedItems", item.text()
# selectedIndexes()
for item in myTable.selectedIndexes():
print "selectedIndexes", item.row(), item.column()
Use the selectedItems function to retrieve the selected items or the selectedIndexes to get all selected cells including empty ones.