I have a small hta file with few vbs codes. It selects folder or file then make a copy to a fixed location.
File Copy
<!-- :: Batch section
@echo off
echo Select an option:
for /F "delims=" %%a in ('mshta.exe "%~F0"') do set "HTAreply=%%a"
tasklist /fi "imagename eq iexplore.exe" |find ":" > nul
if errorlevel 1 taskkill /f /im "iexplore.exe"
echo End of HTA window, reply: "%HTAreply%"
Echo hi...
echo %HTAreply%
call installation.cmd
<TITLE>Your Project Folder </TITLE>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function validateForm() {
var x=document.forms["myForm"]["pname"].value;
return false;
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
function selectPath() {
var objShell = new ActiveXObject("shell.application");
var objFolder;
objFolder = objShell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Example", 0, 0);
document.forms["myForm"]["pname"].value = objFolder.Self.Path;
<form name="myForm" onsubmit="return validateForm()">
pathtostore: <input type="text" name="pname" value="c:\program files">
<input type="button" onclick="selectPath()" value="Browse">
<input type="submit" value="ok">
How to select folder or file in the same window? By MSDN, The Shell.BrowseForFolder
method creates a dialog box that enables the user to select a folder and then returns the selected folder's Folder
Thus, for browse for a file we need to use another method. There exists the native <input ...>
tag with type="file"
attribute. However, using it brings more cons than pros (see 2nd solution below).
In next solution, the Browse for File is achieved by using the HtmlDlgHelper
object - an obscure and poorly documented object that is nevertheless available on all Windows systems... In comparison with <input ...>
tag mentioned above, this solution offers to define both initial location and file type masking.
<Title>File/Folder Copy B</Title>
<!-- Browse for
- file: based on the HTMLDlgHelper class
registered via C:\Windows\System32\mshtmled.dll
(.OpenFileDlg returns string)
- folder: based on the Shell.BrowseForFolder method
(returns the selected folder's Folder object)
<script language="VBScript">
''' Global State Variables
Dim sStartPath, sStartFile, sFilter, sCaption
sStartPath = "D:\Remote"
sStartFile = sStartPath & "\nul"
sFilter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|" _
& "VBScript (*.vbs;*.vbc)|*.vbs;*.vbc|" _
& "HTML (*.htm;*.html;*.hta)|*.htm;*.html;*.hta|"
sCaption = "Choose a File:"
Sub Window_Onload
self.moveTo 1, 1
self.ResizeTo 760,400
End Sub
Sub BrForFolder
sBFF = PickFolder(sStartPath)
If not sBFF = "" Then
document.Copy_To_PC.txtfile.value = sBFF
document.Copy_To_PC.OKbuton.value = "Treat folder"
End If
End Sub
Sub BrForFile_onclick
sBFF = Dlg.OpenFileDlg( CStr(sStartFile), , CStr(sFilter), CStr(sCaption))
If not sBFF = "" Then
document.Copy_To_PC.txtfile.value = sBFF
document.Copy_To_PC.OKbuton.value = "Treat file"
End If
End Sub
Function PickFolder(sStartPath)
Dim shell, oFldr
Set shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set oFldr = shell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a folder:" _
, &H0001 + &H0004 + &H0010 + &H0020, sStartPath)
'See MSDN "BROWSEINFO structure" for constants
If (Not oFldr Is Nothing) Then
PickFolder = oFldr.Self.Path
PickFolder = ""
End If
Set shell = Nothing
Set oFldr = Nothing
End Function
Sub DoFileOK()
MsgBox document.Copy_To_PC.OKbuton.value _
& " """ & document.Copy_To_PC.txtfile.value & """"
document.Copy_To_PC.txtfile.value = ""
document.Copy_To_PC.OKbuton.value = "Undefined"
End Sub
<OBJECT id=Dlg classid="CLSID:3050F4E1-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B"
width=0 height=0>
<FORM name="Copy_To_PC">
<p><b><font size="3">Please select a file or folder.</font></b></p>
<input style="width:600px;" type="text" id="txtfile" name="txtfile" />
<input type="button" value="Browse for File..." id="BrForFile">
<input type="button" value="Browse for Folder..." onClick=BrForFolder()>
<input type="button" value="Undefined" id="OKbuton" onClick=DoFileOK()>
<input type="button" value="All done" onClick=self.window.close()>
2nd solution:
<Title>File/Folder Copy A</Title>
<!-- based on <input type="file"> of zero width -->
<script language = "VBScript">
''' Global State Variables
sStartPath = "D:\Remote"
sFilter = "application/pdf,text/plain"
Sub Window_Onload
self.moveTo 1, 1
self.ResizeTo 960,400
End Sub
Sub BrForFolder()
sBFF = PickFolder(sStartPath)
If sBFF = "" Then
'do not overwrite .txtfile.value with an empty string
Copy_To_PC.txtfile.value = sBFF
Copy_To_PC.OKbuton.value = "Treat folder"
End If
'NOT possible (security reason): Copy_To_PC.fn_file.value = ""
End Sub
Sub BrForFile()
'??? how to know whether a user has pressed 'Open' or 'Cancel' ???
'The result of the file dialog is not exposed to the browser.
'??? how to set initial working directory???
' and file types??? (MSIE does not care about the accept attribute?)
sBFF = Copy_To_PC.fn_file.value
If sBFF = "" Then
'do not overwrite .txtfile.value with an empty string
Copy_To_PC.txtfile.value = sBFF
Copy_To_PC.OKbuton.value = "Treat file"
End If
End Sub
Function PickFolder(sStartPath)
Dim shell : Set shell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Dim oFldr : Set oFldr = shell.BrowseForFolder(0, "Choose a folder:" _
, &H0001 + &H0004 + &H0010 + &H0020, sStartPath)
'See MSDN "BROWSEINFO structure" for constants
'Shell.BrowseForFolder method: Creates a dialog box that
' enables the user to select a folder and then returns
' the selected folder's Folder object.
If (Not oFldr Is Nothing) Then
PickFolder = oFldr.Self.Path
PickFolder = ""
End If
Set shell = Nothing
Set oFldr = Nothing
End Function
Sub DoFileOK()
MsgBox Copy_To_PC.OKbuton.value _
& " """ & Copy_To_PC.txtfile.value & """"
Copy_To_PC.txtfile.value = ""
Copy_To_PC.OKbuton.value = "Undefined"
End Sub
</head><body><form name="Copy_To_PC">
<p><b><font size="3">Please select a file or folder.</font></b></p>
<input style="width:600px;" type="text" id="txtfile" name="txtfile" />
<input style="width:0px;" type="file" id="fn_file" name="fn_file"
accept=sFilter onChange=BrForFile() onBlur=BrForFile()>
<input type="button" value="...for Folder..." onClick=BrForFolder()>
<input type="button" value="Undefined" id="OKbuton" onClick=DoFileOK()>
<input type="button" value="All done" onClick=self.window.close()>
There is actually an error in the HTA portion of the first code example that will cause some problems down the road. The tag says NAVIGATABLE="no". It should be NAVIGABLE="no". You need to lose the AT.
Here is an example of setting the start directory and the selection of files.
Const GeneratedItemFlag = &h4000
dim shellApp
dim folderBrowseDialog
dim filePath
set shellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
set folderBrowseDialog = shellApp.BrowseForFolder(0,"Select the file", GeneratedItemFlag, "c:\")
if folderBrowseDialog is nothing then
msgbox "No file was selected. This will now terminate."
filePath= folderBrowseDialog.self.path
end if