I am having some difficulties with codeblocks 10.05 recognizing the GLFW libraries on my machine. When I create an empty project, and copy paste this code found from this GL
Follow the following procedure.
Follow these instrucions: http://codeincodeblock.blogspot.com/2011/02/setup-glfw-project-in-codeblock.html
Make sure that you have the correct type of glfw libs. ie x86 or x64 for your mingw compiler. 8 Hours of time searching for undefined reference errors ie linker problems to glfw.
I was having similar problems earlier with importing GLFW into codeblocks, and I recently found something that works for me.
I can see that you have already done the header installation correctly, but I will include that in this response so that you can double-check that everything is in tip-top condition.
I also recommend that you use the sample code within the 'Documentation' tab of glfw.org. It works really well for me, so I think it might for you as well.
Since you are using GLFW, I will assume that you want to use OpenGL in your application, so I will include the installation of OpenGL in the tutorial
A. Creating relevant folders
The first thing you will need to do is set up a location for library files and header files on your system. You can either creates these folders within a specified location on your drive, or you can create these folders within your code::blocks project.
In my case, I created a 'lib' and 'head' folder in my code::blocks project folder.
B. Downloading & Installing necessary media
GLEW (OpenGL):
At this point, your 'head' folder should contain 'GLFW' and 'GL' folders, and your 'lib' folder should contain 'glew32', 'glew32s', and all of the library files from GLFW for your compiler.
C. Configuring your code::blocks project
D. Build and Run your code :)! Hope this helps!