I got the email from Google as follows: -
Hello Google Play Developer,
We recently announced that we’ll be deprecating the install_referre
I checked with Firebase support for this, as I can see firebase libraries are using install_referrer. Got below response from them:
This is a great catch. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'm currently in discussion with our Analytics experts and will get back within 48 hours, or as soon as I have more information. For now, no need for any action from your end, wait for the next update from the Firebase team.
I think we should wait for the next update for firebase libraries, they might fix it. We have the deadline of March 1st, 2020. I think it is enough for the firebase team to update the libraries.
If you have used this API in your code by yourself, then you need to change it immediately as you are not depending on firebase or any other third party library provider.
com.google.firebase:firebase-core and com.google.firebase:firebase-analytics using this broadcast intent internally. You can check it by merged manifest in android manifest file. This receiver is using install-referrer intent.
Either We can directly remove this explicitly by adding below line in android manifest.xml file but it will lead to disrupt the install referrer mechanism in case if your app is using conversion tracking or any other install campaign or we should wait for the next update of firebase libraries.
<receiver android:name="com.google.android.gms.measurement.AppMeasurementInstallReferrerReceiver"
tools:remove="android:permission" >
tools:node="remove" />
Exclude all measurement modules form firebase
implementation ('com.google.firebase:firebase-core:17.2.2'){
exclude group: 'com.google.android.gms', module: 'play-services-measurement-api'
exclude group: 'com.google.android.gms', module: 'play-services-measurement'
exclude group: 'com.google.android.gms', module: 'play-services-measurement-sdk'
exclude group: 'com.google.android.gms', module: 'play-services-measurement-impl'
exclude group: 'com.google.android.gms', module: 'play-services-measurement-sdk-api'
exclude group: 'com.google.android.gms', module: 'play-services-measurement-base'