I am trying to do a cron job with a site built in CodeIgniter - I\'ve got access to the CPanel cron feature can anyone suggest the best way to setup a cron job using CPanel?
For me the easier way of doing this is using cURL and executing the url in the cron:
curl http://admin.com/sites/publish/
If you need to secure the url, you could send data via post using:
curl -X POST -d "apikey=yourapikey&another=variable" http://admin.com/sites/publish/
This way you don't have to fight with php parameters and different configurations.
I do this such way, create folder cron
make script for each cron job /cron/my_task.php with content
<? $_SERVER["SCRIPT_URL"] = "/controllerName/MethodName"; // you can set url in routes if you want
$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] = "your_site_address.com"; // without http://www
require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../public/index.php"); // path to index.php
make controller Cron like others, but add validation on IP in __construct
and finaly run like
1 10 * * * cd /path_to_site_folder/cron/ && usr/local/bin/php /path_to_site_folder/cron/my_task.php >> path_to_log/some.log
just use this command and paste it.
wget www.example.com/index.php/controller/function
For Cronjob try this to access command line controller, functions and params:
php index.php/controller/function/param1/param2/param3 etc
php index.php controller function param1 param2 param3 etc
Best way is to call from the command line in the cron job...
php /path/to/index.php controller >> /dev/null
You can run controllers via the command line in CI, see here.