I\'m looking to install MSBuild on my Linux laptop so I can build a C# OSS project of mine. How exactly would I go about doing this? I\'ve come across a few guides such as t
Yes, there is such a package hosted by the CoreFX team as a MyGet feed. To install, run this at a terminal:
version="" # update as needed
mono path/to/nuget.exe install $packageid -Version \
$version -Source "https://www.myget.org/F/dotnet-buildtools/"
# run MSBuild
mono $packageid.$version/lib/MSBuild.exe Foo.sln
Technically this should be used only for building the .NET Core repos, but I'll take it as an alternative to an unofficial publisher.
EDIT: Note that this will only work if your version of Mono is 4.0.1 or above.