After launching listener by the following code is working fine.
LocationManager locationManager =(LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE)
My listener implemention
public class GPSLocationListener extends Activity implements LocationListener {
public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
//code here
when i try to remove listener using follwing code compile time error.
locationManager.removeGpsStatusListener(GPSLocationListener )
You need to pass the same object implementing LocationListener that you requested location updates for to the locationManager.removeUpdates() method.
So in unless this
and gpsl
are one and the same, you should call:
You have to pass the instance to your GPSLocationListener
go the removeGpsStatusListener
method and not the class name.
If you are using maps, you have to do:
You could pass the parameter like this GPSLocationListener.this
the compile will not be wrong