I can\'t start Glassfish 3.1 on Eclipse Indigo with \"Oracle Glassfish Server Tools\" plugin on Windows 7. After installing the plugin, I\'ve chosen \"New\" -> \"Server\" in
I got the "The Eclipse plugin cannot communicate with the GlassFish server, status is :CREDENTIAL_ERROR" error too.
I found a solution to my problem by ensuring that no other process was listening at port 8080.
To find processes that listens to port 8080, bring up a command prompt and type in the following:
netstat -a -n -o | find "8080"
.It worked for me.
After disabling ZoneAlarm firewall I could successfully start GlassFish on Windows. However, I then started to have many kind of unrelated and annoying problems and as Mico suggested, I switched back using Linux, which is my usual development platform, and everything went fine.
To document the process:
with Eclipse Indigo, GlassFish connector is not present by default. In WTP's server tab, right click and choose New -> Server and click on the link "Download additional server adapters", choose GlassFish and press Next, accept the license and Finish.
This time I downloaded GlassFish myself from http://glassfish.java.net/ and choose the open source edition full platform for Unix in the flavour of .sh file.
On the command line I moved the archive in the parent folder where I wanted it installed and called "sh glassfish-3.1.1-unix.sh", which brings up a graphical configuration. I choose Typical configuration.
If you choose the auto upgrade option, be prepared to wait several minutes. It's a known bug since 3.0.1, that seems they preferred to document, rather than fix it. It's not necessary to follow the advice to cancel the install, just grab a coffee or read some news, it will get through.
Once GlassFish is installed, in Eclipse server tab, choose New -> Server and choose "GlassFish" -> "GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4 (Java EE 6)", browse domain1 directory of Glassfish, leave admin password blank.
At this point it's possible to deploy projects on Glassfish, just like I used to do in Tomcat. In my first day experience, hot redeployment sort of work, but not always, quite often a server stop + start has been necessary.
I want to improve the answer from Andreas.
Yes, This is important to check your port:
netstat -a -n -o | find "8080"
If you are using Windows 7 make sure your proxy host is not active. Please check your host list file and open using notepad then restart your PC after comment all unnecessary host. Here is the tutorial.
In my case jmx failed to start because current host is using activate.adobe.com not your computer-name nor localhost.
service:jmx:rmi://activate.adobe.com:8686/jndi/rmi://activate.adobe.com:8686/jmxrmiThe host should be "localhost" or "" or your computer-name
Last thing is to check your processes list from Task Manager, end the anti virus proxy service process, like mine is using Trend Micro Internet Security then end process tmproxy.exe *32.
Go back to your eclipse double click your GlassFish server in server list tab, please uncheck "Use Anonymous Connection for Admin Console" then make sure to fill "Admin Name" and "Admin Password" for example user admin and password adminadmin as GlassFish default admin login. Now you can run the GlassFish server from your eclipse. It's worked.
The issue with another process occupying the port 80, check for other webservers or app servers running on that port, stop them and re-try
Ensure that you have JDK set as JRE in your eclipse.
On Windows set it to
window>preferences>java>installed jres
On Mac set it to
eclipse>preferences>java>installed jres
These should point to the JDK location.
Try this : kill java process from task manager if it not show java process then restart your pc >> it work for me