To my knowledge; what I want to do is not possible in sql, but it is worth asking you guys.
Lets say I have a stored procedure abc that returns columns Id and Value.
SELECT * INTO #TempTable
SELECT * FROM #TempTable
Insert into a temp table. I know this works in 2008 and above, not sure about 2005. Your temp table columns must match your Stored Proc columns.
create table #mytable (custid int,company varchar(50),contactname varchar(50)
, phone varchar(50),address1 varchar(50)
, address2 varchar(50),city varchar(50)
,st varchar(2),zip varchar(20))
insert into #mytable (custid,company,contactname,phone,address1,address2,city,st,zip)
exec dbo.sp_Node_CustomerList_wService @segid = 1
select * from #mytable
where custid = 5
drop table #mytable
it is better and easy way to use openrowset
SELECT * INTO #tempTable FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes;', 'EXEC')
Otherwise have a look over here, there are more options explained there: Insert results of a stored procedure into a temporary table?