I am having the following codes and it though i\'m having 01-Jan-2009
for DateTo
and 03-Jan-2009
for DateFrom
it\'s readi
I think my answer is late, tell me if it is better or not as only this worked for me in v1.10:
if($('#DateTo').val().split("/").reverse().join("") <=
$('#DateFrom').val().split("/").reverse().join("")){//Do something}
How about this?
DateTime DateToValue = $("#DateTo").val();
DateTime DateFromValue = $("#DateFrom").val();
if (Date.parse(DateToValue) <= Date.parse(DateFromValue)) {
The Easy Way to Do is
var start= new Date($('#txtstart').val());
var end= new Date($('#txtend').val());
if (start < end) {
My Comparison with the current date
function isPastDate(dateText) {
// date is dd/mm/yyyy
var inputDate = dateText.split("/");
var today = new Date();
inputDate = new Date(inputDate[2], inputDate[1] - 1, inputDate[0], 0, 0, 0, 0);
today = new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
return inputDate < today;
Use DateJS for parsing your date. http://www.datejs.com/ just include the script in your html.
you can use below code to parse through the dates, using the millisecond approach (adding milliseconds present in a day) will not work properly for the daylightsaving.
for ( beginDate= new Date(startDate.getTime()); beginDate.getTime()<=endDate.getTime(); beginDate.setDate(beginDate.getDate() + 1)) {
dateRangeArray.push(new Date(beginDate.getTime()));