There are two situations I load images, first, just directly from the internet, and second, load images that are downloaded in the device. And whenever I load, 8~9 out of 10
Nobody will be as dumb as me, but for completeness: if you add a tint color to the image view in your layout file it will obscure the successfully loaded image.
Take a look of Picasso: out of memory
Check that you use fixed size in your ImageView, refer to more info to @Samuil Yanovski answer
Hope this helps!!
Try to replace "http:" at the start of your Url with "https:" (if it applies)
(on your String representation of Url).replace("http:", "https:");
Works for me.
Make sure your imageUrl contains https instead of http If your imageUrl contain http then creat network_Security_config file under res folder xml folder and mention the URL E.g
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
Maybe this helps someone,
For my url I was using http://localhost:8080/api/get-image/image.jpg...
You need to set instead of localhost, the server's ip!!
replace it with this below code