I am a newbie to R, so please pardon my ignorance. I made a pseudo-stacked barplot in which I drew 4 sets of bars on top of each other using geom_bar. There are 4 health sta
I see that @Brandon Bertelsen has posted a great answer. I would like to add some code that addresses additional details mentioned in the original post:
, ggplot will create the legend automatically.scale_fill_manual()
to get the exact grays mentioned in the original post.theme_bw()
is a handy function to quickly get a black and white look to your plot.levels
argument of factor()
x <- as.data.frame(list(variable=c("QUAG", "QUKE", "QUCH"),
alive=c(627, 208, 109), infected=c(102, 27, 0),
dead=c(133, 112, 12), sod.dead=c(49, 8, 0)))
# Put data into 'long form' with melt from the reshape2 package.
dat = melt(x, id.var="variable", variable.name="status")
# variable status value
# 1 QUAG alive 627
# 2 QUKE alive 208
# 3 QUCH alive 109
# 4 QUAG infected 102
# 5 QUKE infected 27
# 6 QUCH infected 0
# By manually specifying the levels in the factor, you can control
# the stacking order of the associated fill colors.
dat$status = factor(as.character(dat$status),
levels=c("sod.dead", "dead", "infected", "alive"))
# Create a named character vector that relates factor levels to colors.
grays = c(alive="gray85", dead="gray65", infected="gray38", sod.dead="black")
plot_1 = ggplot(dat, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=status)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_bar(position="stack") +
ggsave(plot=plot_1, filename="plot_1.png", height=5, width=5)
# You may also want to try a dodged barplot.
plot_2 = ggplot(dat, aes(x=variable, y=value, fill=status)) +
theme_bw() +
geom_bar(position="dodge") +
ggsave(plot=plot_2, filename="plot_2.png", height=4, width=5)
You need to reshape your data.
x <- as.data.frame(list(variable=c("QUAG", "QUKE", "QUCH"), alive = c(627,208,109), infected = c(102,27,0), dead = c(133,112,12), sod.dead=c(49,8,0)))
x <- melt(x)
colnames(x) <- c("Type","Status","value")
ggplot(x, aes(Type, value, fill=Status)) + geom_bar(position="stack")