I\'m new to JavaScript and I\'m trying to write a code which calculates the time elapsed from the time a user logged in to the current time.
Here is my code:-
There's too much going on here.
An easier way would just be to compare markDate
to the current date each time and reformat.
See Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/7e4psrzu/
function markPresent() {
window.markDate = new Date();
$(document).ready(function() {
function updateClock() {
var currDate = new Date();
var diff = currDate - markDate;
document.getElementById("timer").innerHTML = format(diff/1000);
setTimeout(function() {updateClock()}, 1000);
function format(seconds)
var numhours = parseInt(Math.floor(((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) / 3600),10);
var numminutes = parseInt(Math.floor((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) / 60),10);
var numseconds = parseInt((((seconds % 31536000) % 86400) % 3600) % 60,10);
return ((numhours<10) ? "0" + numhours : numhours)
+ ":" + ((numminutes<10) ? "0" + numminutes : numminutes)
+ ":" + ((numseconds<10) ? "0" + numseconds : numseconds);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="timer"></div>
You can simply use performance.now()
start = performance.now();
elapsedTime = performance.now() - start;
I would use the getTime() method, subtract the time and then convert the result into hh:mm:ss.mmm format.