I have seen ActionCable.server.open_connections_statistics
, ActionCable.server.connections.length
, ActionCable.server.connections.map(&:s
To be more specific for ActionCable
(and to Redis)...
Assuming this channel:
class RoomChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
Get the Redis adapter from ActionCable instead of creating it yourself
(you'd need to supply the URL from config/cable.yml
pubsub = ActionCable.server.pubsub
Get the channel's name including channel_prefix you may have specified
in config/cable.yml
channel_with_prefix = pubsub.send(:channel_with_prefix, RoomChannel.channel_name)
Get all connected channels from RoomChannel
# pubsub.send(:redis_connection) actually returns the Redis instance ActionCable uses
channels = pubsub.send(:redis_connection).
pubsub('channels', "#{channel_with_prefix}:*")
Decode the subscription name:
subscriptions = channels.map do |channel|
If you are subscribed to an ActiveRecord
object, let's say Room
(using stream_for
you can extract the IDs:
# the GID URI looks like that: gid://<app-name>/<ActiveRecordName>/<id>
gid_uri_pattern = /^gid:\/\/.*\/#{Regexp.escape(Room.name)}\/(\d+)$/
chat_ids = subscriptions.map do |subscription|
# compacting because 'subscriptions' include all subscriptions made from RoomChannel,
# not just subscriptions to Room records
end.compact.map { |match| match[1] }
If using redis
you can see all the pubsub channels.
[2] pry(main)> Redis.new.pubsub("channels", "action_cable/*")
[0] "action_cable/Z2lkOi8vbWFvY290LXByb2plL3QvUmVzcG9uXGVyLzEx",
[1] "action_cable/Z2lkOi8vbWFvY290LXByb2plL3QvUmVzcG9uXGVyLzI"
This will show all websocket connections for all the Puma workers together. And if you have multiple servers it will probably show those here too.