I have a solution which is consists of a large number of projects (C++ and C#). I upgraded the solution to VS2015, so the toolset version for most of them are now set to V14
This solution worked perfectly for me: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/e0b9c601-2ece-4dcc-bac3-23ed7dd6801a/the-builds-tools-for-v120-platform-toolset-v120-cannot-be-found?forum=vclanguage
I had the same issue. Steps given in this Solution helped me solve my issue. Repeating the steps here for future reference.
If you're attempting to build a Win32 "Desktop" application, the easiest way to get the v140 Platform Toolset is via the Visual Studio Installer (please see the image, below, for an illustration of steps '3.' and '4.'):
The builds tools for v140 that's the platform toolset for VS2015.
If you are using TFS2015, you must make sure the build environment on your build machine be the same as your local developer machine. You should install VS2015 on your build machine.
If you are using TFS2013 or TFS2012, most probably MSBuild 12.0 is called.You need to set the build templates to point to MS Build version 14.0. For the details, check: TFS 2013 building .NET 4.6 / C# 6.0
Jacob's answer worked for me but C++ build tools were under VS Build Tools 2017 while I had VS 2019 Installer on Windows 10 as at July, 2019.
You're trying to build using a different version of the build toolset that is either not installed on your system or that the project can't use. To change it to something that you have installed on your system, right click on the project in your Solution Explorer.
Go to Properties. Configuration Properties>General>Platform Toolset>(Change this to a toolset that is installed on your system). Make sure you do this for the Debug and Release builds