Performance overhead for properties in .NET

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隐瞒了意图╮ 2020-12-10 01:43

I read somewhere that having public properties is preferable to having public members in a class.

  1. Is this only because of abstaraction and modularity? Are

  • 2020-12-10 02:07

    1) Its for encapsulation principles, but other .NET features use properties such as data binding.

    2) I'm not sure I agree with that, I've always heard that if the property is a straight get/set its just as fast as a standard field access - the compiler does this for you.

    Update: seems to be a bit of both, compiles to method call but JIT-optimized away. Either way, this sort of performance concern is not going to have a meaningful impact on your code. However, note that the guidance around implementing properties is to make them as light-weight as possible, they are not expected by callers to be expensive.

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  • 2020-12-10 02:08

    Don't worry at all about the performance overhead. It is so minor that you should not consider weakening the encapsulation of the class; it would be premature optimization of the worst sort.

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  • 2020-12-10 02:10

    After I posted this post, I realized that it's basically for hiding the inner workings of you object.

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  • 2020-12-10 02:11

    Is this only because of abstaraction and modularity? Are there any other over-riding reasons?

    Not that I know of; these reasons are by themselves compelling enough. But maybe someone else will jump in on this.

    The property accesses are conerted into function calls by the compiler. For properties without a backup store (e.g. public string UserName { get; set; }), what would be the performance overhead compared to a direct member access? (I know it shouldn't usually make a difference but in some of my code, properties are accessed millions of times.)

    In the resulting Intermediate Language, a property access is translated to a method call. However, as the word says, this is only an Intermediate Language: it gets compiled Just-In-Time down to something else. This translation step also involves optimizations like inlining of trivial methods, such as simple property accessors.

    I would expect (but you'd need to test to make sure) that the JITter takes care of such accessors, so there should be no performance difference.

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  • 2020-12-10 02:11

    Running the test 20 times in a row, ensuring that JIT optimization is enabled in the Release build:

    Time for 1 and 2 : 47,66
    Time for 1 and 2 : 37,42
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,36
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 27,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 26,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25
    Time for 1 and 2 : 25,25

    Yes, the JITter is that good at inlining property accessors. Perf is a non-issue and should never be considered.

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  • 2020-12-10 02:13

    Make sure you're running with Ctrl-F5 instead of F5; otherwise the debugger will still attach and some optimizations may not work the same, even in Release mode. At least that's the case on my machine: F5 gives similar results to what you posted, whereas Ctrl-F5 gives equal results.

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