I am able to display sweet alert after the page refresh but I have to click on Ok button which I am getting on sweet alert to redirect the page.Please help me in this.
title: '<span style="color:#fff">Kindly click the link below</span>',
width: 600,
showConfirmButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#ec008c',
confirmButtonText:'<span onclick="my2()">Register</span>',
padding: '3em',
timer: 10000,
background: '#fff url(bg.jpg)',
backdrop: `
center left
}, 1500);
function my2() {
window.location.href = "https://www.url.com/";
I wasn't able to do that with any swal(sweatAlert) default callback function, so I forced with jquery, got the Ok button class inspecting the element in chrome an made something like this:
text: 'Invalid user or password!',
window.location.href = 'index.php';
The 'Ok' alert in function(isConfirm) was just a test to see if it would get into this function, if so I should be able to redirect from there, but I wasn't...
So I used jQuery to determine if the button "OK" of swal was clicked by getting it class: ".swal2-confirm' then I could redirect with success...
Hope this helps you all !
PS: I am using php echo to run the script, I din't have to leave php to run it, just use single quotes and you're done !
Existing answers did not work for me i just used $('.confirm').hide()
. and it worked for me.
success: function(res) {
swal("Deleted!", "Successfully deleted", "success")
window.location = res.redirect_url;
If anyone needs help, this code is working!
title: 'Request Delivered',
text: 'You can continue with your search.',
type: 'success'
}).then(function() {
window.location.href = "index2.php";
None of the above solutions worked for me, I had to use .then
title: 'Success!',
text: message,
type: 'success',
confirmButtonText: 'OK'
}).then(() => {
console.log('triggered redirect here');
Best and Simple solution, we can add more events as well!
swal({ title: "WOW!",
text: "Message!",
type: "success"}).then(okay => {
if (okay) {
window.location.href = "URL";