I\'m using Eclipse Juno 4.2, downloaded from here.
On previous installs, I\'ve been using 3.7, and I\'ve been using WindowBuilder, which I find very useful. I notice
For Juno, I downloaded the archive update site from: http://eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/windowbuilder/WB/release/R201306261200/WB_v1.6.0_UpdateSite_for_Eclipse4.2.zip
Then I added the site as an archive to eclipse and installed the components just fine. For some reason the update URL did not work for me after setting up my proxy. Hope this helps!
Try the juno repository at http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno/.
In Eclipse:
Installing WindowBuilder from this link http://download.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/WB/release/R201209281200/4.2/ - just add a new updatesite.
Other versions: Eclipse 4.3 (Kepler) - http://download.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/WB/integration/4.3/ Eclipse 3.8 (Juno) - http://download.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/WB/release/R201302221200/3.8/