How do I specify a file redirect to a file one level above the current file in PHP? Here is my schematic so far:
You should really use absolute paths (at least relative to your document root).
Consider if you move checkLogin.php
a directory deeper…
Any of the follow won't have a problem.
header("Location: /landing.html");
// or
The accepted answer will take you to the root of the domain, not 1 folder up as specified.
To go one folder up:
header("Location: ../landing.html");
I think it is because you forgot the /
after the ..
header("Location: ../landing.php");
Update: As noted in comments, this is not up to specification, and should be an absolute URI. Another method if you can't get the absolute path for some reason is to use:
$parent = dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
header("Location: $parent/landing.php");
This is the solution which helped me redirect back to the Root(Home) directory.
header('Refresh:0 , url=/ROOT_DIR/');