I know there was a some questions related to this, but there are in c++ or other languages. I get this error and I\'m not sure what is wrong with my function.
My er
I experienced this same error after my hosting company updated our PHP version from 7.0.x to 7.1.x. They assumed that since it was a minor update, it should be compatible with previous versions. They were wrong: here's a list of the incompatibilities from the migration page.
In this particular case code that would previously throw a warning about the lack of parameters for a function call is now throwing the fatal error in the OP's question.
The solution is obviously to provide the appropriate parameters as the other answers have indicated.
For anyone who encountered this error or something similar, the answer below works! I encountered this error when trying to get an older version of WordPress WooCommerce to run on PHP 7.2. Lol, I know. The WooCommerce Product Edit Screen was blank with the error below (which broke the product tabs)
Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function product_custom_tab::product_tab_options(), 0 passed in wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 286 and exactly 1 expected in /wp-content/plugins/woo-product-tab/includes/product_custom_tab.php:64 Stack trace: #0 wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(286):
When going to line 64 of product_custom_tab.php. I changed
public function product_tab_options($product_type)
public function product_tab_options($product_type = null)
And it worked! Thanks to the contributors below! You really made my day. Thanks for being here. Thank you!
Bytw: I tried to post this as a comment, but it wouldn't let me, so I posted this as an answer instead.
Your method needs 5 arguments, you only pass 2: User->register('ds', 'dsssssss')
Edit this line in Register.php
$user->register($username, $password)
$user->register($name, $surname, $username, $password, $email)
Additionally you have this line twice $stmt->bindParam(":password", $password);
In php 7 instead of:
public function register($name, $surname, $username, $password, $email)
public function register($name = null, $surname = null, $username = null, $password = null, $email = null)