Been trying to get used to the new structured streaming but it keeps giving me below error as soon as I start a .writeStream
Any idea what could
The problem I had occurred while converting a DataFrame to a Parquet file. It would create the directory, but fail with “ExitCodeException exitCode=-1073741515”.
I ran Spark from Intellij 2020.2.2 x64 on Windows 10 (version 2004). I have spark-3.0.1-bin-hadoop3.2 installed in GitBash on my C drive. I downloaded the winutils from this Github repo after being redirected from this repo
I installed them in C:\winutils directory (top level), which contained one subdirectory named /bin/, which contained the winutil.exe and associated files. This top-level path was added as a Windows environment variable in System variables named HADOOP_HOME. I also have a variable for SPARK_HOME to C:\Users\name\spark-3.0.1-bin-hadoop3.2\
I was getting this error, until I found this SO post and Moises Trelles' answer above, and also this page
I have a 64-bit system, so installed both x86 and x64 versions of msvcp100.dll as recommended in the answer. I did not reboot, but I did close Intellij and reload and upon rerunning, the correct output (parquet file) was generated. Good luck! I'm so thankful for stackoverflow/google/internet/community of helpful people.
In my case I was using Windows 10 and had to change the Environment Variables-> User Variables
TMP and TEMP to Custom Location in some other volume (D:\Temp or E:\Temp etc..) instead of default
and also set the HADOOP_HOME
System.setProperty( "hadoop.home.dir" , "$HADOOP_HOME\winutils-master\hadoop-2.x.x" )
Don't forget to copy the hadoop.dll to C:\Windows\System32.
You can download the appropriate version from this link. DOWNLOAD WINUTILS.exe
For me hadoop-2.7.1 version fixed the issue.
Actually, I had the same problem while running Spark unit tests on my local machine. It was caused by the failing WinUtils.exe in %HADOOP_HOME% folder:
Input: %HADOOP_HOME%\bin\winutils.exe chmod 777 %SOME_TEMP_DIRECTORY%
winutils.exe - System Error
The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCR100.dll was not found.
Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
After some surfing the Internet I found out an issue on winutils project of Steve Loughran: Windows 10: winutils.exe doesn't work.
In particular it says that installing the VC++ redistributable packages should fix the problem (and that worked in my case): How do I fix this error "msvcp100.dll is missing"
This is a windows problem
The program can't start because MSVCP100.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem
You will need to install the VC++ redistributable packages:
Install vcredist_x86.exe
Install vcredist_x64.exe