I have a XML Document file. The part of the file looks like this:
County a
Assuming this is the correct taxlots.shp.xml
<attrdef>County abbreviation</attrdef>
<edomvd>Clackamas County</edomvd>
<edomvd>Multnomah County</edomvd>
<edomvd>Washington County</edomvd>
You were almost there:
doc <- xmlParse("taxlots.shp.xml")
attrlabl attrdef attrtype attrdomv
1 COUNTY County abbreviation Text CClackamas CountyMMultnomah CountyWWashington County
But the last field has not the format you wanted. To do so, require some additional steps:
step1 <- xmlToDataFrame(nodes=getNodeSet(doc1,"//attrdomv/edom"))
edomv edomvd edomvds
1 C Clackamas County
2 M Multnomah County
3 W Washington County
step2 <- paste(paste(step1$edomv, step1$edomvd, sep=" "), collapse="; ")
[1] "C Clackamas County; M Multnomah County; W Washington County"
cbind(xmlToDataFrame(nodes= getNodeSet(doc1, "//attr"))[c("attrlabl", "attrdef", "attrtype")],
attrdomv= step2)
attrlabl attrdef attrtype attrdomv
1 COUNTY County abbreviation Text C Clackamas County; M Multnomah County; W Washington County