I would like to take in a vector of numbers as input and then simply plot the histogram. Here is my R code:
On the server side, you define v as a function:
v<- function()
v <- rnorm(input$Vector)#take vector as input
and then you try to use it as the argument to as.numeric(...)
output$plotVector <- renderPlot({ hist(as.numeric(v))})
so R is trying to convert something of class: function to double.
Edit: to answer OP's followup question. With the following for ui.R and server.R:
On the server side, shinyUI(...)
takes two objects which are passed automatically: input
and output
. The properties of input
("columns" in R terminology) are defined in ui.R by creating various GUI objects. So you create a select
object with a call to selectInput(...)
. The object's id is "Vector"
. This is referenced on the server side as: input$Vector
. Note that what you are calling Vector
is actually a single number: whatever the user selects in the select box. Plotting the histogram of a single number is meaningless, so I changed the code to make input$Vector the mean of a normal distribution. You also had the problem that input$Vector was initialized to NULL in your code, which threw an error. So I changed that to initialize to 0.
The statement:
output$mainplot <- ...
on the server side populates an object output$main_plot
in ui.R
, which is defined by the statement:
... plotOutput("main_plot")...
Rolling it all up, the following:
headerPanel("Hello Shiny!"),
sidebarPanel(selectInput("Vector", "Select Mean of Distribution", c(0,1,2,3,4), selected = 0, multiple = TRUE)),
mainPanel( plotOutput("main_plot"))
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
v<- function() {
output$main_plot <-
hist(v(), breaks=10, xlab="",
main="Histogram of 100 Samples\n taken from: N[mean, sd=1]"))
Generates this:
It looks like doing this works!
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
v<- function()
v <- rnorm(input$Vector)#take vector as input
output$plotVector <- renderPlot({
data <- v()