Does Java String supports superscript in a String? If yes then how can I use it, I have searched the web and also the API but not able to figure out how I can use it for my
No, a string is just a sequence of UTF-16 code-units. There are unicode codepoints for individual super-script characters in the math code-pages but none that mark a region of a string as super-scripted the way there are for bidi regions.
If you're trying to display mathematical text with super-scripts using a Graphics context, you should search for Latek or MathML libraries written in Java.
This can be done in java strings and some other cases also using Unicode Character super script...look at this link.
Just in case somebody uses theese hand made functions:
public static String superscript(String str) {
str = str.replaceAll("0", "⁰");
str = str.replaceAll("1", "¹");
str = str.replaceAll("2", "²");
str = str.replaceAll("3", "³");
str = str.replaceAll("4", "⁴");
str = str.replaceAll("5", "⁵");
str = str.replaceAll("6", "⁶");
str = str.replaceAll("7", "⁷");
str = str.replaceAll("8", "⁸");
str = str.replaceAll("9", "⁹");
return str;
public static String subscript(String str) {
str = str.replaceAll("0", "₀");
str = str.replaceAll("1", "₁");
str = str.replaceAll("2", "₂");
str = str.replaceAll("3", "₃");
str = str.replaceAll("4", "₄");
str = str.replaceAll("5", "₅");
str = str.replaceAll("6", "₆");
str = str.replaceAll("7", "₇");
str = str.replaceAll("8", "₈");
str = str.replaceAll("9", "₉");
return str;
Note, that there is a little ambiguity about ¹²³, because they are acii symobls 251, 253 and 252 and they are also utf-symbols. I prefer to use acsii because they more probably are supproted by font, but here you should decide what you actually want to use.
A String does not store formatting information. To use superscript, you will have to fiddle with the Font of the displaying component. Checkout the API on Font.
You can use html tags in java (User Interface only): Suppose you want to display 210, write this code in your JLabel :
JLabel lab = JLabel("2<html><sup>10</sup></html>");
Check out java.text.AttributedString, which supports subscripts and more. e.g., in your paintComponent() you could go:
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
AttributedString as = new AttributedString("I love you 104 gazillion");
as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT, TextAttribute.SUPERSCRIPT_SUPER, 13, 14);
as.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, Color.RED, 2, 6);
g.drawString(as.getIterator(), 20, 20);