I am looking for a way to convert datetime objects to decimal(/float) year, including fractional part. Example:
>>> obj = SomeObjet()
>>> o
from datetime import datetime as dt
import time
def toYearFraction(date):
def sinceEpoch(date): # returns seconds since epoch
return time.mktime(date.timetuple())
s = sinceEpoch
year = date.year
startOfThisYear = dt(year=year, month=1, day=1)
startOfNextYear = dt(year=year+1, month=1, day=1)
yearElapsed = s(date) - s(startOfThisYear)
yearDuration = s(startOfNextYear) - s(startOfThisYear)
fraction = yearElapsed/yearDuration
return date.year + fraction
>>> toYearFraction(dt.today())
This method is probably accurate to within the second (or the hour if daylight savings or other strange regional things are in effect). It also works correctly during leapyears. If you need drastic resolution (such as due to changes in the Earth's rotation) you are better off querying a net service.