I am using slf4j 1.6.2 api jar (tried using 1.6.1 as well) - logback version is 0.9.29 (core & classic). I am using jdk1.6 on ubuntu. The exception I received is copied
Also, you must have a many slf4j-api jars of versions mentioned in the []. Try keeping a single version of slf4j-api and the corresponding compatible slf4j-log4j jars in the classpath.
Mixing different versions of slf4j jars will always be troublesome
The NoSuchMethodError is due to the discovery of Methods-with-the-same-name more than once, probably coming from the different versions of the same jars
We have to align the versions of slf4j-api and the corresponding binding, in my case I was using slf4j-log4j12, acording with the documentation of SLF4J:
I replace the versions of both libraries included as transitive dependencies, putting in my pom this:
I hope this help to somebody.
Kind regards,