Output to Chrome console from Node.js

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伪装坚强ぢ 2020-12-09 16:40

I\'m looking for a way to output Node variables directly into the google chrome browser console. The same way a console.log() works on the client side. Somethin

  • 2020-12-09 17:03

    You can use bonsole, a simple way to log something in browser. Even in Linux, you can go to the LAN's ip to check it.

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  • 2020-12-09 17:04

    For users with nodejs on linux via ssh-shell (putty):

    Problem with nodejs on linux-ssh-shell is, that you have no browser connected. I tried all this solutions, but didnt get it to work.

    So i worked out a solution with firebase (https://firebase.google.com), because my project uses firebase. If you are familiar with firebase, than this is a great way. If not, firebase is worth using in combination with nodejs - and its free!

    In the server-side-script (started with node) use a own function log():

    // server-side:
    // using new firebase v3 !
    var fbRootRef = firebase.database();
    var fbConsoleRef = fbRootRef.ref("/console");
    var log = function(args) {
      fbConsoleRef.set({'obj': args});
    // inside your server-code:

    On client-side you create a firebase-reference on this console-object:

    // client side:
    fbRootRef.child('/console').on('value', function(d) {
      var v = d.val();

    Now everything logged on server-side with the log() - function is transferred in realtime to the firebase-database and from there triggering the client-console-reference and logged into the browsers console.

    If anyone needs help, i will explain in more detail and could give a more extended version of this logging with types (console./log/warn/info), grouping with title-info (i.e. server says: (filename + line).

    Setting up firebase for your project is done in max 30 minutes, inserting the console-function in 30 minutes. I think its worth the time!

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  • 2020-12-09 17:07

    The closest thing to this I've seen is Node JS console object debug inspector

    See this post for usage and potential issues: http://thomashunter.name/blog/nodejs-console-object-debug-inspector/

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  • 2020-12-09 17:08

    I know it's an old question but came on top of my Google search so maybe somebody will find my answer useful.

    So you can use node --inspect-brk index.js

    Now, all you have to do is basically just type chrome://inspect in your Chrome address bar and click Open dedicated DevTools for Node

    In DevTools, now connected to Node, you’ll have all the Chrome DevTools features you’re used to:

    • Complete breakpoint debugging, stepping w/ blackboxing

    • Source maps for transpiled code

    • LiveEdit: JavaScript hot-swap evaluation w/ V8

    • Console evaluation with ES6 feature/object support and custom object formatting

    • Sampling JavaScript profiler w/ flamechart

    • Heap snapshot inspection, heap allocation timeline, allocation profiling

    • Asynchronous stacks for native promises

    Hope that helped.

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  • 2020-12-09 17:10

    You might want to try NodeMonkey - https://github.com/jwarkentin/node-monkey

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  • 2020-12-09 17:11

    NOTE: Since the old answer (written in september 2014) refers to an older version of node-inspector, my instructions are not relevant anymore in 2017. Also, the documentation has gotten a lot better, so I have updated my original answer:

    node-inspector is what you need. It opens up an instance of Chrome with its developer tools for debugging.

    It's also easy to use:

    1. Install

    $ npm install -g node-inspector

    2. Start

    $ node-debug app.js

    Source: https://github.com/node-inspector/node-inspector

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