After upgrade from Pycharm 2017.2.3
to Pycharm 2017.1.4
Pycharm\'s Debugger suggested to build cpython (or sth associated with it):
I've fixed it by disabling PyQt compatible
option in PyCharms's debugger settings (Build, Execution, Deployment > Python Debugger). I don't use PyQt, so I have not met any troubles
I agree with James.
I meet the same question as you after I install PYQT. After I uninstall pyqt by Pycharm's "Preference->Project:your current project->Project Interpreter" find pyqt and push '-' button, the debug works.
What is interesting is that when I run a script which includes 'from PyQt4 import QtGui'. The pyqt package installed auto. And the debug does not work again. So I uninstall pyqt again and debug works one more time!
So I think there may be some package make debug not work , what you should do is just find and uninstall it. The crime package is often the pyqt, matplotlib or something similary.
Mine worked after I removed pyqt5 bindings.
sudo apt-get remove python3-pyqt5
This wasn't happening to me because of building cpython. It was because I had installed an unrelated program. Hope it helps.
I had the same issue with 2018.3 after updating and installing Cython for fast debugging.
The issue was with gevent
Solved enabling Gevent compatible
option and disabling PyQt compatible.
i meet this problem, and i search for it a long time, all caused by the compatible of pyqt,So I think a good idea to solve it....
then the problem was solved happily.
I had the same with 2017.1.4 Problem was resolved after update to 2017.1.5