I know there is a way to determine the number of messages (or approximate number) in the Azure Queue (Store Account); however is there a way to query for the number of pendi
I've spent good 2 hours digging through docs to get that and for people using .net core and Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus nuget package, code looks like that:
var managementClient = new ManagementClient("queue connection string"));
var runtimeInfo = await managementClient.GetQueueRuntimeInfoAsync("queueName");
var messagesInQueueCount = runtimeInfo.MessageCountDetails.ActiveMessageCount;
Aparently you get the information about all Counts(including deadletter, active, etc.) from QueueRuntimeInfo object instead of old QueueDescription object.
have you looked at the Queue Description API? There's a property called MessageCount
Here's the .NET SDK reference documentation page as well.
As per the recommendation by Microsoft, it is recommended to use Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus in which you can easily fetch the message count by
var managementClient = new ManagementClient("connection string for queue");
var queue = await managementClient.GetQueueRuntimeInfoAsync("queue name");
var messages = queue.MessageCount;
It is called MessagesCountDetails.ActiveMessageCount. It returns the number of the Active Messages in the Queue. You probably have some Dead letter messages:
var msg = Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(Settings.Default.ConnectionString);
numofmessages.Text = msg.GetQueue(QueueName).MessageCountDetails.ActiveMessageCount.ToString();
Here's a PowerShell example to continually eyeball the queue length as used in Azure Portal Cloud Shell
cd "Azure:\<MySubscription>\"
while (1) {(Get-AzureRmServiceBusQueue -ResourceGroup <myRG> -NamespaceName <myNS> -QueueName <myQueueName>).CountDetails | Select -expand ActiveMessageCount}
var nsmgr = Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
long count = nsmgr.GetQueue(queueName).MessageCount;