XCode 9 GM Candidate 1 is currently crashing when opening a storyboard.
ProductBuildVersion: 9A235
UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInternalInconsistencyExcepti
So I had an issue whereby as soon as I opened a storyboard in XCode 9 the file was modified (not unusual for XCode) - but then whenever I ran the app with Exception breakpoints enabled it crashed. Hitting continue from the debugger allowed the app to then run normally.
Looking at what XCode has modified in the storyboard file, it turned that at the top of the file, before the 'scenes' xml element, it was adding:
<customFonts key="customFonts">
<array key="GillSans.ttc">
Removing this stopped the weird crash issue, but modifying the storyboard keeps adding the code back in. It appears the solution would be to remove all custom fonts from the storyboard and set them in code - or hope this is just a weird bug which will be fixed in a later XCode version.
I found that the previously installed versions of XCode were the root of the problem. I thought I only had one version installed but upon right-clicking an XCode project file, I saw that under 'Open With..', there were tons of versions. There were old beta versions of XCode 9, as well as various versions of the stable release and even XCode 8.
None of these versions could be found in my mac's Applications directory, so I realized that they were dormant in the Downloads directory. What I did was delete all of them and boom, storyboard not freezing XCode 9.3 anymore.