public class main extends Activity {
EditText username,password1;
Button sub;
String uname,pass;
public void onCreate(Bundle savedIns
try naming xml layout with small letters. worked for me Contact_us.xml change this to contact_us.xml
You need to use lowercase letters. You have 'C' you must rename it to contact_us.xml.
Try removing the capital letter. res\layout\contactus.xml
using lower case letters and clean the package
Make C to c. Use lower case letters and no symbols
it should be contactus.xml, You should follow below listed naming convention:
File name must contain only lowercase a-z, 0-9, or _.
only a-z,mind that not capital...and white-space not allowed
name must start with a character.not with a Number(0-9)
name only _ symbol other symbol alowed.