Here\'s what I want to do:
$clsName = substr(md5(rand()),0,10); //generate a random name
$cls = new $clsName(); //create a new instance
function __autoload(
This is almost certainly a bad idea.
I think your time would be better spent creating a script that would create your class definitions for you, and not trying to do it at runtime.
Something with a command-line signature like:
./generate_classes_from_db <host> <database> [tables] [output dir]
Please read everyone else answers on how this is truly a very very bad idea.
Once you understand that, here is a small demo on how you could, but should not, do this.
$clname = "TestClass";
eval("class $clname{}; \$cls = new $clname();");
I think using eval()
it's not a reliable solution, especially if your script or software will be distributed to different clients. Shared hosting providers always disable eval()
I'm thinking of a better aproach like this :
function __autoload( $class ) {
require 'classes/'.$class.'.php';
$class = 'App';
$code = "<?php class $class {
public function run() {
echo '$class<br>';
public function __call($name,$args) {
echo "$name ($args)<br>";
file_put_contents('classes/App.php' ,$code);
$a = new $class();
After finishing executing the code, you can delete the file if you want, I tested it and it works perfectly.
function __autoload($class) {
$code = "class $class {`
public function run() {
echo '$class<br>';
public function __call($name,$args) {
echo "$name ($args)<br>";
$app=new Klasse();
This might help to create a class at runtime. It also creates a methor run and a catchall method for unknown methods But better create Objects at runtime, not classes.