Running a Play! app with Scala. I\'m doing a request where the response is expected to be a JSON string. When checking the debugger, the JsonElement returns OK with all info
The class JsonElement
will throw Unsupported Operation Exception
for any getAs<Type>
method, because it's an abstract class and makes sense that it is implemented in this way.
For some reason the class JsonObject
, does not implement the getAs<Type>
methods, so any call to one of these methods will throw an exception.
Calling the toString
method on a JsonElement
object, may solve your issue in certain circumstances, but isn't probably what you want because it returns the json representation as String (e.g. \"value\"
) in some cases.
I found out that also a JsonPrimitive
class exists and it does implement the getAs<Type>
methods. So probably the correct way to proceed is something like this:
String input = "{\"key1\":\"value1\",\"key2\":\"value2\"}";
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonElement jsonTree = parser.parse(input);
if(jsonTree != null && jsonTree.isJsonObject()) {
JsonObject jsonObject = jsonTree.getAsJsonObject();
value = jsonObject.get("key1").getAsJsonPrimitive().getAsString()
PS. I removed all the nullability mgmt part. If you are coding in Java you probably want to manage this in a better way.
see GitHub source code for JsonElement
I had a similar problem and I had to change jsonObject.getAsString()
to jsonObject.toString();
In my case I just needed to get the element as an empty string if it is null, so I wrote a function like this:
private String getNullAsEmptyString(JsonElement jsonElement) {
return jsonElement.isJsonNull() ? "" : jsonElement.getAsString();
So instead of
val geocoder = json.getAsString
You can just use this
val geocoder = getNullAsEmptyString(json);
It returns "" if the element is null and the actual string if it is not
Maybe your JsonElement
is a JsonNull
What you could do is to first check that it isn't by using json.isJsonNull
Otherwise, try to get its String representation with json.toString