You can use putSerializable to set set bytearray and use getSerializable to retrive
Have a look on the following approach
Create a serializable class assign the String array and put that serializable in intent
Step-1 Create a Serializable Bean Class to set the array to the class
public class MyBean implements Serializable{
String[][] data = null;
public void set2DArray(String[][] data){ = data;
public String[][] get2DArray(){
return data;
Step-2 in Caller Activity (Home class)
Intent intent = new Intent(this, Second.class);
String data[][] = new String[][] {{"1","pavan"},{"2","kumar"},{"3","kora"},{"1","pavan"},{"2","kumar"},{"3","kora333"}};
MyBean bean = new MyBean();
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putSerializable("mybean", bean);
i.putExtra("obj", b);
Step-3 In Calling Activity (Second class)
Bundle b = getIntent().getBundleExtra("obj");
MyBean dData = (MyBean) b.getSerializable("mybean");
String[][] str =dData.get2DArray();