I am trying to write a Factory Pattern to create either a MainMode or a TestMode in my program. The code I was previously using to create these objects was:
The whole point of a Factory is that it should have the needed state to create your Game appropriately.
So I would build a factory like this:
public class GameFactory {
private boolean testMode;
public GameFactory(boolean testMode) {
this.testMode = testMode;
public Game getGame(int numberRanges, int numberOfGuesses) {
return (testMode) ? new MainMode(numberRanges, numberOfGuesses) :
new TestMode(numberRanges, numberOfGuesses, getRandom());
private int getRandom() {
. . . // GUI code here
Now you can initialize this factory somwhere in your app, and pass it in to whatever code needs to create a Game. This code now doesn't need to worry about what mode it is, and passing extra random params - it uses a well known interface to create Games. All the needed state is internalized by the GameFactory object.
interface ModeFactory {
Mode createMode(int numberRanges, int numberOfGuesses);
class MainModeFactory implements ModeFactory {
Mode createMode(int numberRanges, int numberOfGuesses) {
return new MainMode(numberRanges, numberOfGuesses);
class TestModeFactory implements ModeFactory {
Mode createMode(int numberRanges, int numberOfGuesses) {
return new TestMode(numberRanges, numberOfGuesses, randNo());
play = modeFactory.createMode(numberRanges, numberOfGuesses);
So at startup you create the appropriate mode factory, passing it in to wherever the play needs to be created.