I have credit card number which I want to mask as below:
$cc = 1234123412341234
echo cc_masking($cc)
function cc_masking($number) {.....}
With regular expression
function cc_masking( $number, $maskChar = 'X' ) {
return preg_replace(
'\1' . str_repeat( $maskChar, strlen( $number ) - 8) . '\2',
$number );
You keep the first four characters (and the last four), replacing the others with X.
No need for regular expression for this. Just take n numbers at the beginning, n numbers at the end then add the X in the middle to complete.
If you wish to show only last 4 digits, here is a dynamic way. Works with both credit cards, ACH numbers or anything:
$variable = '123123123';
$length = strlen($variable);
$output = substr_replace($variable, str_repeat('X', $length - 4), 0, $length - 4);
echo $output;
Assuming that:
This is what I do:
The code is this:
public function mask($string)
$regex = '/(?:\d[ \t-]*?){13,19}/m';
$matches = [];
preg_match_all($regex, $string, $matches);
// No credit card found
if (!isset($matches[0]) || empty($matches[0]))
return $string;
foreach ($matches as $match_group)
foreach ($match_group as $match)
$stripped_match = preg_replace('/[^\d]/', '', $match);
// Is it a valid Luhn one?
if (false === $this->_util_luhn->isLuhn($stripped_match))
$card_length = strlen($stripped_match);
$replacement = str_pad('', $card_length - 4, $this->_replacement) . substr($stripped_match, -4);
// If so, replace the match
$string = str_replace($match, $replacement, $string);
return $string;
You will see a call to $this->_util_luhn->isLuhn, which is a function that does this:
public function isLuhn($input)
if (!is_numeric($input))
return false;
$numeric_string = (string) preg_replace('/\D/', '', $input);
$sum = 0;
$numDigits = strlen($numeric_string) - 1;
$parity = $numDigits % 2;
for ($i = $numDigits; $i >= 0; $i--)
$digit = substr($numeric_string, $i, 1);
if (!$parity == ($i % 2))
$digit <<= 1;
$digit = ($digit > 9)
? ($digit - 9)
: $digit;
$sum += $digit;
return (0 == ($sum % 10));
It is how I implemented it in https://github.com/pachico/magoo/. Hope you find it useful.
$accNum = "1234123412341234";
$accNum1 = substr($accNum,2,2);
$accNum1 = '**'.$accNum1;
$accNum2 = substr($accNum,6,100);
$accNum2 = '**'.$accNum2;
$accNum = $accNum1.$accNum2;
echo $accNum;