Validating sections of a form

前端 未结 3 897
-上瘾入骨i 2020-12-09 12:08

I\'ve broken my form up into divs and using Next buttons to shop and hide those sections. I am also using jQuery Validation Plugin to do all the validation for me.


  • 2020-12-09 12:51

    Firstly, forget about wrapping .validate() inside of any click handlers... it just doesn't work like that. One issue is that .validate() is not a method for "testing" the form's validity. Rather, .validate() is only the method for initializing the plugin on the form. You would do it once on page load, because any subsequent calls to .validate() are ignored.

    To test the form programatically with the jQuery Validate plugin, you use the .valid() method which triggers a test and returns a boolean.

    When I create multi-step forms, I use a unique set of <form> tags for each section.

    Then I use .valid() to test the section before moving to the next. (Don't forget to first initialize the plugin; call .validate(), on all forms on DOM ready.)

    Then on the last section, I use .serialize() on each form and concatenate them into a data query string to be submitted.

    Something like this...

    $(document).ready(function() {
            // rules
            // rules
            // rules,
            submitHandler: function (form) {
               // serialize and join data for all forms
               // ajax submit
               return false;
        $('#gotoStep2').on('click', function() {
            if ($('#form1').valid()) {
                // code to reveal step 2
        $('#gotoStep3').on('click', function() {
            if ($('#form2').valid()) {
                // code to reveal step 3
        // there is no third click handler since the plugin takes care of this with the
        // built-in submitHandler callback function on the last form.

    Important to remember that my click handlers above are not using type="submit" buttons. These are regular buttons, either outside of the form tags or type="button".

    Only the button on the very last form is a regular type="submit" button. That is because I am leveraging the plugin's built-in submitHandler callback function on only the very last form.

    "Proof of Concept" DEMO:

    Also, see for reference:

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  • 2020-12-09 12:56

    it works in form tag

    in html set like below structure

    <form class="project-details">
       <h2>Project details</h2>
       <label>Project name: </label>
       <div class="back-next"><span class="reg-next-button">Next</span></div>

    for demo see here

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  • 2020-12-09 13:10

    You can use the valid method on a selection of elements that you wish to validate.

    Working Example:

    // First, set up validator
      debug: true,
      rules: {
        projectName: "required"
      messages: {
        projectName: "Please give your project a name",
    //clicking the next button hides the current section and shows the next section
    $('.project-details .reg-next-button').click(function() {
        // Get the form that this button lives in
        var form = $(this).closest("form");
        // Get the validator object for the form
        var validator ="validator");
        // Get the section that we're currently validating.  May need to modify this depending on the structure of your DOM
        var section = $(this).closest("div");
        // Get all controls (input, textarea, select, etc) in the section
        var fields = section.find(":input");
        if (fields.valid()){
          // Hide this section...
          // And show the next section
    .project-address {
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="//"></script>
    <form id="projectForm">
      <div class="project-details">
        <h2>Project details</h2>
        <label>Project name: </label>
        <input type="text" class="reg-project-name" size="40" value="" name="projectName">
        <button type="button" class="reg-next-button">Next</button>
      <div class="project-address">
        <h2>Project address</h2>
        <label>Project address:</label><input type="text" class="reg-project-address" size="40" value="" name="projectAddress">
        <button class="reg-next-button">Next</button>

    See this Codepen:

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