Happened while trying to upgrade IONIC app from version 3 to 4
Updated all plugins and modules to latest available, without any luck.
ERROR in ./node
I faced this issue while migrating to angular 8.x.x .
Actually 'DOCUMENT' has been deprecated from '@angular/platform-browser'
and is now part of '@angular/common'
Older plugins still try to import document from '@angular/platform-browser'
. Just check in the .js and .js.map files under 'fesm5' as well as 'fesm2015' folder of the plugin in node_modules section.
Better to update the specific plugin to latest angular compatible version.
In my case troubling plugin was 'ngx-clipboard'
inside this "\node_modules\ionic-angular\module.js" && app.js file we can't change if we are changing manuvally it dosent take;
so i suggest BehaviorSubject of angular functionality we can get componet changing values in any other component
page.ts // component
import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';
public status = new BehaviorSubject('');
currentStatus = this.status.asObservable()
; // write this code inside the export class services
console.log('current status from common services:',status)
this.status.next(status); // pass value to public observable variable
you can subscribe response in other componet
It appears that you may be trying to upgrade your Ionic project from v3 to v4 inline rather than creating a new v4 project and migrating your old code over.
See the migration guide: https://ionicframework.com/docs/building/migration. Specifically this advice:
While migrating an app to take advantage of this new layout, it is suggested that a new project "base" is made with the CLI. Then, with the new project layout, migrate the features of the app piece by piece. Pages/components/etc. should be moved into the src/app/ folder.
If you are trying this by keeping your code in place and installing @ionic/angular in the current project rather than creating a NEW project and then copying code over feature by feature, then you are going to run into a lot of problems. If you are doing that, I suggest starting over employing the strategy outlined above. Having done a few of these myself, that is by far your best option.
DOCUMENT is removed from @angular/platform-browser If you use DOCUMENT from @angular/platform-browser, you should start to import this from @angular/common.
until the repo gets it fixed, you can do as below to fix it for you...
import { DOCUMENT, Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';
And IN
import { DOCUMENT, HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
import { HAMMER_GESTURE_CONFIG } from '@angular/platform-browser';