I have app with two screens, and I want to make push from 1st to second screen by pressing button.
Screen 1
import \'package:flutter/m
Just make the MaterialApp class in main method as this example
void main() => runApp(MaterialApp(home: FooClass(),));
it works fine for me, I hope it will work with you
Think of the widgets in Flutter as a tree, with the context pointing to whichever node is being built with the build function. In your case, you have
MainScreen <------ context
--> MaterialApp
(--> Navigator built within MaterialApp)
--> Scaffold
--> App Bar
--> ...
--> Center
--> FlatButton
So when you're using the context to find the Navigator, you're using a context for the MainScreen which isn't under the navigator.
You can either make a new Stateless or Stateful Widget subclass to contain your Center + FlatButton, as the build function within those will point at that level instead, or you can use a Builder and define the builder
callback (which has a context pointing at the Builder) to return the Center + FlatButton.
Make sure route table mentioned in same context:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: FutureBuilder(future: _isUserLoggedIn(),
builder: (ctx, loginSnapshot) =>
loginSnapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting ?
SplashScreen() : loginSnapshot.data == true ? AppLandingScreen(): SignUpScreen()
routes: {
AppLandingScreen.routeName: (ctx) => AppLandingScreen(),
I faced this issue because i define route table in different build method.
There is an another very different work around about this issue, If you are using Alarm Manager (Android), and open back to your Application. If you haven't turned on the screen before navigation, the navigator will never work. Although this is a rare usage, I think It should be a worth to know.
Am a newbie and have spent two days trying to get over the Navigtor objet linking to a black a screen.
The issue causing this was dublicated dummy data. Find Bellow the two dummny data blocks:
**Problematic data **- duplicate assets/image:
_buildFoodItem('assets/plate1.png', 'Salmon bowl', '\$24'),
_buildFoodItem('assets/plate2.png', 'Spring bowl', '\$13'),
_buildFoodItem('assets/plate1.png', 'Salmon bowl', '\$24'),
_buildFoodItem('assets/plate5.png', 'Berry bowl', '\$34'),
**Solution **- after eliminating duplicated image argument:
_buildFoodItem('assets/plate1.png', 'Salmon bowl', '\$24'),
_buildFoodItem('assets/plate2.png', 'Spring bowl', '\$13'),
_buildFoodItem('assets/plate6.png', 'Avocado bowl', '\$34'),
I hope this helps someone,,,,,,,
There are two main reasons why the route cannot be found.
1) The Route is defined below the context passed to Navigator.of(context) - scenario which @rmtmackenzie has explained
2) The Route is defined on the sibling branch e.g.
-> Content (Routes e.g. Home/Profile/Basket/Search)
-> Navigation (we want to dispatch from here)
If we want to dispatch a route from the Navigation widget, we have to know the reference to the NavigatorState. Having a global reference is expensive, especially when you intend to move widget around the tree. https://docs.flutter.io/flutter/widgets/GlobalKey-class.html. Use it only where there is no way to get it from Navigator.of(context).
To use a GlobalKey inside the MaterialApp define navigatorKey
final navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();
Widget build(BuildContext context) => MaterialApp {
navigatorKey: navigatorKey
onGenerateRoute : .....
Now anywhere in the app where you pass the navigatorKey you can now invoke
Just posted about it https://medium.com/@swav.kulinski/flutter-navigating-off-the-charts-e118562a36a5