I have created the following script in order to read data from Mobile App DB (which is based on MongoDB) from Oracle SQL Developer:
DECLARE l_param_list VAR
I used PL/JSON library. Specifically, JSON_EXT package functions in order to parse it.
The following script inspired by Oracle Community answer worked for me
DECLARE l_param_list VARCHAR2(512); l_http_request UTL_HTTP.req; l_http_response UTL_HTTP.resp; l_response_text VARCHAR2(32767); l_list json_list; A_id VARCHAR2(200); UserId VARCHAR2(100); UserName VARCHAR2(100); OutletCode VARCHAR2(100); OutletName VARCHAR2(100); MobileNumber VARCHAR2(100); PhoneNumber VARCHAR2(100); Address VARCHAR2(100); City VARCHAR2(100); State VARCHAR2(100); Postcode VARCHAR2(100); Email VARCHAR2(100); UpdateCount VARCHAR2(100); loginCount VARCHAR2(100); ReferencePhoto VARCHAR2(100); Updates VARCHAR2(100); AccountLocked VARCHAR2(100); Oracle_Flag VARCHAR2(100); acl VARCHAR2(100); BEGIN -- service's input parameters -- preparing Request... l_http_request := UTL_HTTP.begin_request('https://api.appery.io/rest/1/db/collections/Outlet_Details?where=%7B%22Oracle_Flag%22%3A%22Y%22%7D' , 'GET' , 'HTTP/1.1'); -- ...set header's attributes UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'X-Appery-Database-Id', '53f2dac5e4b02cca64021dbe'); --UTL_HTTP.set_header(l_http_request, 'Content-Length', LENGTH(l_param_list)); -- ...set input parameters -- UTL_HTTP.write_text(l_http_request, l_param_list); -- get Response and obtain received value l_http_response := UTL_HTTP.get_response(l_http_request); UTL_HTTP.read_text(l_http_response, l_response_text); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(l_response_text); l_list := json_list(l_response_text); FOR i IN 1..l_list.count LOOP A_id := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'_id'); UserId := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'UserId'); UserName := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'UserName'); OutletCode := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'OutletCode'); OutletName := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'OutletName'); MobileNumber := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'MobileNumber'); PhoneNumber := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'PhoneNumber'); Address := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'Address'); City := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'City'); State := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'State'); Postcode := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'Postcode'); Email := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'Email'); UpdateCount := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'UpdateCount'); loginCount := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'loginCount'); ReferencePhoto := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'ReferencePhoto'); Updates := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'Updates'); AccountLocked := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'AccountLocked'); Oracle_Flag := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'Oracle_Flag'); acl := json_ext.get_string(json(l_list.get(i)),'acl'); insert .....
Notice that json_ext.get_string retuns only VARCHAR2 limited to 32767 max. In order to use the same package with larger json_list and json_values (>32KB) check here.
If you have APEX 5.0 and above, better option and much better performance via APEX_JSON package. See @Olafur Tryggvason's answer for details
Orace provides PL/SQL DOM APIs for JSON handling. Strongly recommend using it, as it provides tons of useful APIs.
Since this question scores high in results, I want to post this preferred alternative:
Oracle has released APEX 5.0 (April 15. 2015). With it you get access to a great API to work with JSON
I'm using it on 11.2 and have been able to crunch every single json, from simple to very complex objects with multiple arrays and 4/5 levels. APEX_JSON
If you do not want to use APEX. Simply install the runtime environment to get access to the API.
Sample usage, data from json.org's example :
sample_json varchar2 (32767)
:= '{
"glossary": {
"title": "example glossary",
"GlossDiv": {
"title": "S",
"GlossList": {
"GlossEntry": {
"ID": "SGML",
"SortAs": "SGML",
"GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language",
"Acronym": "SGML",
"Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986",
"GlossDef": {
"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.",
"GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]
"GlossSee": "markup"
apex_json.parse (sample_json);
dbms_output.put_line (apex_json.get_varchar2 ('glossary.GlossDiv.title'));
dbms_output.put_line (apex_json.get_varchar2 ('glossary.GlossDiv.GlossList.GlossEntry.GlossTerm'));
dbms_output.put_line (apex_json.get_varchar2 ('glossary.GlossDiv.GlossList.GlossEntry.GlossDef.GlossSeeAlso[%d]', 2));
Result: PL/SQL block executed
Standard Generalized Markup Language
in Oracle 12: https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/SQLRF/functions092.htm#SQLRF56973
FROM j_purchaseorder,
JSON_TABLE(po_document, '$.ShippingInstructions.Phone[*]'
phone_type VARCHAR2(10) PATH '$.type',
phone_num VARCHAR2(20) PATH '$.number'))
AS jt;
---------- ---------- --------------------
1 Office 909-555-7307
2 Mobile 415-555-1234