I\'m getting the following error while installing API Connect toolkit:
sha1-UhOHSxsj+deaxi0QbjKXDirzcn8= integrity checksum failed when using sha1: wa
Go to project dir and enter the following commands in fx powershell or cmd.
rm ./package-lock.json
npm cache clear --force
npm install -g npm
That worked for me.
I encountered this issue, fortunately, I find the solution in Github:
this is caused by the package-lock.json
so I delete it: rm package-lock.json
then I execute the npm install
it works for me.
As of npm 5, you can use npm-cache to verify the contents of the cache folder, e.g.:
npm cache verify
Then re-run the install
It Must help You :
Simple soultion:
sudo npm i npm@latest -g
yarn install
worked for a similar error. check here
I was getting similar error in Node(v8.1.0) and NPM(5.0.3) Version in Windows 10. Followed following steps to fix this issue. a) Uninstalled npm & Node.js completly. b) Delete "npm" & "npm-cache" folders from "C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming" location. c) Install latest node version through ".msi" d) from node command prompt run "npm i -g npm" e) move to your project location and run "npm install" it should work.