I have a little function that shows latest activity, it grab timestamp in unix format from the db, and then it echo out with this line:
date(\"G:i:s j M -Y\
here's working function
function minus_one_day($date){
$date2 = formatDate4db($date);
$date1 = str_replace('-', '/', $date2);
$yesterday = date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date1 . "-1 days"));
return $yesterday; }
hope work for you...
I would find the timestap for last midnight and the one before it, if $last_access
is between the two timestamps, then display yesterday, anything greater than last midnight's timestamp would be today...
I believe that would be the quicker than doing date arithmetic.
Actually, I just tested this code and it seems to work great:
if ($last_access >= strtotime("today"))
echo "Today";
else if ($last_access >= strtotime("yesterday"))
echo "Yesterday";
I enhanced Thomas Decaux answer to come up with this
function formatTimeString($timeStamp) {
$str_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:sP", $timeStamp);
$time = strtotime($str_time);
$d = new DateTime($str_time);
$weekDays = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thur', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'];
$months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', ' May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
if ($time > strtotime('-2 minutes')) {
return 'Just now';
} elseif ($time > strtotime('-59 minutes')) {
$min_diff = floor((strtotime('now') - $time) / 60);
return $min_diff . ' min' . (($min_diff != 1) ? "s" : "") . ' ago';
} elseif ($time > strtotime('-23 hours')) {
$hour_diff = floor((strtotime('now') - $time) / (60 * 60));
return $hour_diff . ' hour' . (($hour_diff != 1) ? "s" : "") . ' ago';
} elseif ($time > strtotime('today')) {
return $d->format('G:i');
} elseif ($time > strtotime('yesterday')) {
return 'Yesterday at ' . $d->format('G:i');
} elseif ($time > strtotime('this week')) {
return $weekDays[$d->format('N') - 1] . ' at ' . $d->format('G:i');
} else {
return $d->format('j') . ' ' . $months[$d->format('n') - 1] .
(($d->format('Y') != date("Y")) ? $d->format(' Y') : "") .
' at ' . $d->format('G:i');
It takes in the time stamp as the argument, it adds the year of the time if it was from a different year, etc...