I want to automatically set different android map api V2 keys for development and production.
One of the easiest solution.You can achieve it with two simple steps.
Add custom value to manifestplaceholders build.gradle
See below
buildTypes {
debug {
manifestPlaceholders = [ mapApiKeyValue:"GHjaSyAjlyp3O831lgaonHMXsd-_DpQ3002x3S4"]
release {
manifestPlaceholders = [ mapApiKeyValue:"AIzaSyAuMGDLr2HeuRed4JA0CrdYYdZRjeC3EA"]
Edit manifest file like below. part of my manifest file
android:value="${mapApiKeyValue}" />
This solution works for the latest Android 5.0 and Android 6.0 (API 20, 21,22,23)
Log in to Google APIs Console Under "Simple API Access" click "Edit Allowed Android apps..." on the right side Enter one SHA-1 fingerprint per line like the instructions say:
"One SHA1 certificate fingerprint and package name (separated by a semicolon) per line. Example: 45:B5:E4:6F:36:AD:0A:98:94:B4:02:66:2B:12:17:F2:56:26:A0:E0;com.example 45:B6:E4:6F:36:AD:1A:98:94:B4:02:66:2B:12:17:F1:56:26:A0:E0;com.example"
Now, just use the same "Simple API key" and it'll work for your debug and publish certificate without having to change anything.
I may be wrong, but I think you can use the same V2 API key for both development and production builds. In your Google APIs Console, after generating a simple Android key, you just need to enter the SHA-1 fingerprints of your production signing key, and all the development Android debug signing keys you may have. Then in your manifest, just use that simple Android key and the app should work for both debug and production builds.