I am using eclipse Kepler version and trying to install Sonar plugin from Eclipse marketplace. But I am getting below error
Cannot open Eclipse Market
I tried all the suggestions but no success for Eclipse Mars, Neo and Oxygen At last it worked for Eclipse Oxygen when I added following line to eclipse.ini file
Eclipse Oxygen version: Window->Preferences->network connections->default apply will reset the settings. restart eclipse and it should work
I have tried all the possible suggestions given above but finally got answer for this : This may not be the right way to install the plugin but it worked for me and it served my purpose
Open the below URL : http://marketplace.eclipse.org/marketplace-client-intro?mpc_install=252148
Open eclipse and drag the plugin from the above url drop on eclipse [on top near header]
It will start downloading and eclipse will restart after successful installation.
when launching, java application defaults to listening to ipv6 exclusively. Modify .ini configuration settings file present in the folder by adding -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true below the -vmargs. This sets the java to prefer IPV4 stack.
This usually happens when you have any proxy connection set in your network settings. You can check that in your Proxy Settings in Windows.
Just copy the proxy host from there and add it in Proxy Bypass Host list inside
It should work perfectly.