How do I concatenate values from two string fields and put it into a third one?
I\'ve tried this:
{ \"_id\": { $exists: true
Unfortunately, MongoDB currently does not allow you to reference the existing value of any field when performing an update(). There is an existing Jira ticket to add this functionality: see SERVER-1765 for details.
At present, you must do an initial query in order to determine the existing values, and do the string manipulation in the client. I wish I had a better answer for you.
let suppose that you have a collection name is "myData" where you have data like this
"address":"H-148, Near Hero Show Room, Shahjahanpur",
and you want concatenate fields (first_name+ last_name +address) and save it into "address" field like this
"address":"nizam khan,H-148, Near Hero Show Room, Shahjahanpur",
now write query will be
var x=db.myData.find({_id:"xvradt5gtg"});
var first_name=d.first_name;
var last_name=d.last_name;
var _add=d.address;
var fullAddress=first_name+","+last_name+","+_add;
//you can print also
You can also follow the below.
db.collectionName.find({}).forEach(function(row) {
row.newField = row.field1 + "-" + row.field2;
You could use $set like this in 4.2 which supports aggregation pipeline in update.
{"_id" :{"$exists":true}},
db.myDB.find().forEach(function(e){db.myDB.update({"_id":e._id},{$set{"name":'More' + + ' '}});
This is a solution!!
You can use aggregation operators $project and $concat:
{ $project: { newfield: { $concat: [ "$field1", " - ", "$field2" ] } } }