I want to round the number 1732 to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. I tried with Math round functions, but it was written only for float and double. How to do this for
Without using any math utils, rounding could be achieved to any unit as below:
double roundValue (double input, double toNearest){
//toNearest is any rounding base like 10, 100 or 1000.
double modValue = input % toNearest;
if(modValue == 0d){
roundedValue = input;
roundedValue = ((input - modValue) + toNearest);
return roundedValue;
Use Precision (Apache Commons Math 3.1.1)
Precision.round(double, scale); // return double
Precision.round(float, scale); // return float
Use MathUtils (Apache Commons Math) - Older versions
MathUtils.round(double, scale); // return double
MathUtils.round(float, scale); // return float
scale - The number of digits to the right of the decimal point. (+/-)
Discarded because method round(float, scale) be used.
Math.round(MathUtils.round(1732, -1)); // nearest ten, 1730
Math.round(MathUtils.round(1732, -2)); // nearest hundred, 1700
Math.round(MathUtils.round(1732, -3)); // nearest thousand, 2000
int i = 1732;
MathUtils.round((double) i, -1); // nearest ten, 1730.0
MathUtils.round((double) i, -2); // nearest hundred, 1700.0
MathUtils.round((double) i, -3); // nearest thousand, 2000.0
Its very easy..
int x = 1234; int y = x - x % 10; //It will give 1230
int y = x - x % 100; //It will give 1200
int y = x - x % 1000; //It will give 1000
The above logic will just convert the last digits to 0. If you want actual round of// For eg. 1278 this should round off to 1280 because last digit 8 > 5 for this i wrote a function check it out.
private double returnAfterRoundDigitNum(double paramNumber, int noOfDigit)
double tempSubtractNum = paramNumber%(10*noOfDigit);
double tempResultNum = (paramNumber - tempSubtractNum);
if(tempSubtractNum >= (5*noOfDigit))
tempResultNum = tempResultNum + (10*noOfDigit);
return tempResultNum;
Here pass 2 parameters one is the number and the other is position till which you have to round off.
Regards, Abhinav
int val2 = 1732;
val2 = (int)(Math.rint((double) i / 10) * 10);
The output is:1730
What rounding mechanism do you want to use? Here's a primitive approach, for positive numbers:
int roundedNumber = (number + 500) / 1000 * 1000;
This will bring something like 1499 to 1000 and 1500 to 2000.
If you could have negative numbers:
int offset = (number >= 0) ? 500 : -500;
int roundedNumber = (number + offset) / 1000 * 1000;
why not just check the unit digit... 1. if it is less than or equal to 5, add 0 at the unit position and leave the number as it is. 2. if it is more than 5, increment the tens digit, add 0 at the unit position.
ex: 1736 (since 6 >=5) the rounded number will be 1740. now for 1432 (since 2 <5 ) the rounded number will be 1430....
I hope this will work... if not than let me know about those cases...
Happy Programming,