I am currently working on a server control for other applications in our company to interface with a WCF service. Every time I make a change code change and recompile the c
In my case, I had to change the Copy Local setting to true (right-click assembly in solution explorer, select properties, locate and change value of Copy Local property). Once this setting was changed, publication of my WCF service copied the file to the server and the error went away.
While creating new Blank UWP project in Visual Studio 2017 Community, this error came up.
After the suggested remedy (restoring NuGet cache) the reference resurfaced in the Project.
If none of the solutions above worked, try this 10-second fix.
Navigate to the startup project in solution explorer. Right click, properties > Application > Target framework. Change the target framework to anything else. Press Yes for the confirmation dialog. Give the changes a few seconds to take effect, then switch the framework back to what it was before.
The error will hopefully go away for you like it did for me!